Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Latest Transfer Rumour - Barcelona defender Daniel Alves' media representative has denied rumours linking Alves with a move to Chelsea this summer. Yesterday, there were speculations suggested that Chelsea are ready to submit a mega-offer for the attacking-minded full back.

Alves's media representative have deismissed the rumours.

In an interview with the Sky Sports, he said, "Daniel Alves knows about the interest of the London club today through the article in the tabloid."

"A denial is important in order to not give the wrong impression on this matter."

Alves has moved to Barcelona from Sevilla last summer. He is in his first year of a your-contract with Barcelona.

There are still a possibility though as Alves still did not speak anything about the rumours. Currently, no official statements have been made by the club (Barcelona) or the player himself.

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