Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Barcelona Transfer Rumour - Barcelona's key player Lionel Messi insists to stay at the club. He said that if it were up to him, he would never leave the club as he is happy there. Messi has been linked with a move away from Barcelona including Real Madrid. Messi said, he is not likely to leave Barcelona at any time soon.

In an interview with AS, he said that he will not sign with Real Madrid. "I would not sign for Real Madrid, if it were up to me I would stay with Barcelona my whole life," Messi said.

"There are things that money cannot buy, like happiness, and how well I am in Barcelona right now," Messi added.

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  1. Anonymous // July 7, 2009 at 2:18 AM  

    if lionel messi end his career he will be the most honest player in the atmosphere.i am in gambia(west africa)but i will try every possible to play with this superior player.i am 14 year young boy who want to join barcelona under 15.

  2. Anonymous // December 30, 2012 at 3:12 AM  

    I'm a huge fan of Lionel messi(num.10 barcelona)but i live in USA,Louisiana I'm only 9 years old and i look up to him like he's a god.

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