Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Latest Transfer Rumour - Bayern Munich Danny Van Buyten has revealed his teammate Franck Ribery is considering a move to Manchester United and Barcelona. He admitted that he had discussions about it with Ribery. This will re-ignite the speculation linking Ribery away from Bayern Munich.

In an interview with L'Equipe, Van Buyten said, "He is asking himself questions - Which human being would not if clubs such as Barcelona or Manchester United were interested in him?"

"As far as I’m concerned, I don’t have advice to give him, but we do speak about it. What I do is just remind him that at Munich, he’s the king," Van Buyten added.

Recently, Ribery has fed up with the speculations and insisted to stay. Obviously, he is the key-player for Bayern this season. He has impressed many European clubs. Many love to see him playing in the big European League such as the Premier League and Spanish League.

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