Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Chelsea Transfer Rumours - Chelsea are trying to sign Manchester United's brightest young talent Kenji Gorre. Chelsea sporting director Frank Arnesen is trying to sign Gorre who is regarded as on of the best young players coming through the academy and has recently been called up for the England national team.

The club is fully committed to bring him to the club this summer. Chelsea are ready to submit an offer for the right midfielder.

However, they have to pass through Sir Alex Ferguson first and it will be tough. He will not likely to let his best talent go. Futhermore, its Chelsea, traditional rival of Manchester United!!

United signed Gorre from Manchester City's academy and have no intention selling him to Chelsea!

However, Arnesen still have a chance to sign Gorre as he is an old-pal of Gorre's farther Dean Gorre. They both have played for Ajax. Arnesen has made enquiries about his son.

Dean spends most of his time at Southampton and may move to there soon. This may be vital when Chelsea step up their attempts to sign Kenji.

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