Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Latest Transfer Rumour - Manchester City's manager Mark Hughes insisted that Robinho will stay at Manchester City, at least for another season. Robinho failed to perform at his best and many thought he will leave at the end of this season. Chelsea has hinted to sign him if he is available.

Hughes admitted Robinho needs to find some consistency especially in away games. However, he said that he has no intention to sell the Brazillian star.

In an interview with The Sun, Hughes said, "He is a key player and to say he that he is not in our long-term plans is simply mischievous. He is a great player and he wants to be successful."

He said they have to find a way of getting the best out of the team and the best out of Robinho.

"In Europe we have got away with it, in the Premier League we have not," he added.

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