Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Latest Transfer Rumour - Steve Bruce is set to replace Joe Kinner who undergoes heart surgery as Newcastle United's manager. Newcastle United is struggling in Premier League and in need of a manager. Steve Bruce is ready to be the manager.

Bruce has admitted that he would love to manage Newcastle United and regrets turning down their offer when he was younger.

Bruce signed a record fee with Wigan from Birmingham City. Some say that there were doubts about Wigan's future as they sold their stars in the last transfer window and may sell few more this summer. This may give Bruce a reason to quit Wigan.

Appointment of Bruce will please the fans and Newcastle offers Bruce the job, he will definitely take it! There is no doubt about Bruce's managing skill. He is even predicted to replace Alex Ferguson in the future. Its interesting to see what he can do with all aged-stars in Newcastle.

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