Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Latest Transfer Rumour - The Premier League champion, Manchester United will offer Jonny Evans a new contract. Manchester United is set to rise Evans wages expected to be four times greater than his current wages.

Evans current weekly wage is £10,000. Manchester united but United will offer Evans a deal worth £40,000 a week for the next five years.

There were rumours in the summer linking Evans with Sunderland after spending two years there on loan. However Ferguson persuaded him to stay.

In an interview with The Sun, Ferguson revealed: “I said to him - think about three or four years ahead — where would you want to be? In the Manchester United first team or the Sunderland first team?’ I told him that he would be a Manchester United first-team player because his potential was so good." Well said Ferguson!!

Evans said that it was his dream to play with Manchester United but at the same time grateful to Sunderland for the experiences.

For me, it's good for Manchester United that they can keep Evans in Old Trafford. He is not as good as Ferdinand and Vidic yet but he will be in the future. His positioning and tackling are good. Love to see what he will be in the next three to four years. Way to go Evans!!

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