Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

It looks like Portsmouth will not sing Sven Goran Eriksson as Eriksson has been reassured over his future by Mexican Football Federation president Justino Compean.

Portsmouth is reportedly very interested to sign Eriksson. The speculation of the end of Eriksson's career with the Mexican national side mounted up when Javier Aguirre (Mexican's favourite) was sacked by Atletico Madrid. However, the reassurance given by Compean about Eriksson's future with Mexico confirmed that the rumours will just be rumours.

Compean said, "We fully stand behind Eriksson because our objective is to reach the World Cup. And we will be at the World Cup."

Eriksson said that he is determined to lead Mexico to the next World Cup. Eriksson said, "Why will I continue? Because I still have a running contract and I think that I would be a man without courage if I quit now."

There you have it Portsmouth. No Eriksson for you. So, Avram Grant will be the next target. If we can play with time, maybe this should be Grant's first job as manager rather than at Chelsea.

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