Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Latest Transfer Rumour - Valencia's striker, David Villa said he is focus to his job in Valencia despite rumours saying that Villa will move out from Valencia this summer. David Villa has been linked with Juventus and Barcelona.

There are rumours saying that Valencia have to sell some players in the summer due to their current financial situation. Villa maybe one of them.

In an interview with AS, Villa said he will think and decide later on if any approach is made to sign him. So far no official approach has been made. It was all rumours!!

"Nobody has said to me that they want to sell me, nor that they are going to give me away or try and tie me down. It is all supposition and nobody knows for certain what will happen. I continue to think about playing and there is still plenty to do this year. But I am not going to talk about things that could or could not happen," Villa said.

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