Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Guus Hiddink is said to be set to replace Scolari as Chelsea's manager. He will be the fifth manager since Roman Abramovich took over Chelsea. Hiddink is set to replace Scolari as Chelsea's manager until the season ends this summer.

Hiddink said that he is only helping out Roman Abramovich and will not consider the Chelsea's manager job as a full time job. Hiddink will still continue his job as Russia's manager.

I think it is excited to see Hiddink as Chelsea's manager. Hiddink has the ability to turn his team into a very good team. Take Russia, Australia and South Korea as examples.

Chelsea will offer Hiddink 1.5m basic salary. Hiddink also could get 0.5m bonus for every competition that Chelsea wins this season.

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