Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Latest Transfer Rumour - Ex-Manchester United Giuseppe Rossi has demied rumours saying that he will return to his former club. Rossi revealed that he has no intention of going back to the Premier League side and happy at Villareal.

In an interview with The People, Rossi said, "There is no position between myself and Manchester United. I am with Villarreal and that's it."

He said that he was not given enough chances to play in England and that is the main reason he moved to Villareal. He wants regular football.

"I didn't get a chance to play in England. That was the main reason I wanted to get some experience and that's what I have been doing with Villarreal. So far I am very happy with that," Rossi added.

Rossi revealed that he has no plan to move back to Englangd but insisted that he is still uncertain over his future.

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