Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Latest Transfer Rumour - AC Milan is hoping to secure a permanent move for David Beckham. David Beckham will be offered 18-moths contract to stay with AC Milan.

AC Milan revealed that they will try their best to secure a deal for Beckham. AC Milan coach has admitted that he wants Beckham to stay and considers Beckham as indispensable to the club. Eventhough they have passed the dateline set by MLS comisioner, they are still confident they can land Beckham in Milan permanently.

Ancelotti said, "We have still got 20 days to close the deal. At the moment Beckham is indispensable for Milan. Galaxy has forced the situation, but there is time before March 9."

Milan general manager Adriano Galliani said that the negotiation is not over yet. Galliani said, "The negotiations for Beckham are continuing. Let’s see what happens in a month."

Beckham’s spokesman Simon Oliveira said that they will address this issue this week.

To know more about Beckham's speculation, please click here.

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