Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Latest Transfer Rumour - West Ham manager Gianfranco Zola is hoping that the club will offer Lucas Neill, Matthew Upson and Robert Green new long-term deals.

Recently, Scott Parker has signed a new contract with them that will keep him at the club until 2013. Click here for more detail on Parker's story.

In an interview with Sky Sports Zola said, "There are players that have been very important this season on and off the pitch. They are the core of this team and I believe they can be the core of this team for a long time."

Zola is hpoing that Neill will sign a new contract with the club as his contract will expires this summer. "The club knows this and they are offering them contracts and they deserve that. It is good for stability. They are positive players and they will help us to build something important. Hopefully soon Lucas Neill will be signing a contract," Zola said.

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