Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Football Transfer Rumour - Aston Villa manager Martin O'Neill has ruled out loaning out highly-rated Nathan Delfouneso to Crystal Palace. Crystal Palace has declare their interest to loan Delfouneso. O'Neill is keen to keep the striker with the Premier League side.

Delfouneso has scored three goals in his seven appearances with Villa and his performaces were impressive. In an interview with Sky Sports, O'Neil insisted that he is keen to keep the striker at Villa.

O'Neill said, "He (Crystal Palace manager Neil Warnock) hasn't got a prayer. I'm sure he would like to have him. I'm delighted he told the papers instead of me. Funnily enough, I didn't know anything about that so that's news to me. Next season I expect him to be a fully paid-up member of the first team."

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