Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Latest Transfer Rumour - Ex-Chelsea manager Luiz Felipe Scolari's spokesman has denied rumours linking Scolari with the manage job at Manchester City. Manchester City is keen to have Scolari after he was sacked by Chelsea last week. Scolari has revealed that he wants to rebuild his managerial career in England which led to rumours suggesting he will manage Manchester City next season.

However, his spokesman has revealed no contact has been made. In an interview with the Guardian, he said, "There is no contact with Manchester City. Scolari has no intention of taking on another job during this season. He has no intention of doing anything before the end of May or June."

He said that Scolari will decide on his future this June.

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  1. Anonymous // February 18, 2009 at 2:23 PM  

    u must be kidding me.i am totally unsure of ur rumours man. how can u suddenly come out with scolari coaching city? doesnt it sound insane? he cant even bring chelsea to the top, now city? come on dude..pls get ur facts right.rumours are rumours, but they must be relevant..

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