Latest Football Transfer Rumours | March 19

Latest Transfer Rumour - Blackburn's Roque Santa Cruz has admitted that he wants to move to a bigger club this summer. Other Premier League side, Manchester City had submitted bids to sign Santa Cruz in the last transfer window but Blackburn rejected their bids.

However he knows that he still has works to do in Blackburn. He is determined to help Blackburn stays on the top flight. In an interview with Fox Sports en Latinoamerica Santa Cruz said, "I felt I had needed to give back the club everything they gave me with more effort by playing another season."

He hinted that he is frustrated with Blackburn and wants to leave Blackburn. "Being threatened by relegation stopped me moving. My task at Blackburn is done, (the board) knew how I was thinking when I arrived to the club."

He admitted that his real intention to move to Blackburn was to be a competitive player again and then move to a big club. "I came here for continuity, to get up to pace again and I did pretty quickly. My intention was always to get in shape and then move to a big club," Santa Cruz said.

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